National Referendums Now

Away with the horse and buggy politics


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This web site is brought to you by an American organization, More Grass Roots Government Worldwide, Inc. which advocates more direct democracy in government. Direct democracy, or grass roots democracy, is where the people vote directly on big issues. That is opposite to the usual system, indirect democracy,which diverts all decisions to politicians who may lie to the people or not represent the people accurately. But we find more direct democracy, which used to be rare, is now readily available through recent technology. Government may now be more connected to the people.

In the United States, MGRGW supports National Referendums on bigger issues. (As of now the people of the Unites States do not have a direct vote on any national issues. The votes are reserved for politicians.)  The voices of the people of the United States of America would be much more recognized in a grass roots system as opposed to the ways of the horse and buggy days of voting and politics.

Several websites are brought to you by the Organization, “More Grass Roots Government Worldwide, Inc.” which advocates more grass roots democratic government world wide. Direct or “grass roots” democracy involves the voters voting directly on key issues.

That is different from indirect democracy which diverts all key decisions to politicians who may
not fully represent the views of the voters or interpret them properly.

But more direct democracy or grass roots democracy is now readily more available
through the advances in rapid communications technologies. On a practical level, this means
the governments are more connected to the people, as James Madison, a writer of the Constitution named the people as the “fountain of power.”

The website (More Grass Roots Democracy, etc.) supports the website, and also which is a phrase (Let the people rule)
of Andrew Jackson. And all three websites are for your viewing and are on applying more grass roots
democracy to government.. Visit the sister sites and a link will be there to make it easier for
you. We wish you good viewing.

For more Information on MGRGW (More Grass Roots Government Worldwide,inc) Click on the link below. nationalreferendumsnow and/or ;  Both of which are linked to


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