National Referendums Now

Away with the horse and buggy politics


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The Middle

The great thing about referendums,
Is they serve the intelligent voters in the middle,
Who do not want to go to extremes
And rigidly follow one political party agenda.

But if we have referendums,
Where the voters get to vote by the issue,
As should be:
Centrists can vote one time for one party’s bill,
And then the next time for another party’s bill.
And you, as a voter, try to be in an intelligent middle,
Instead of always voting with one extremist agenda.

As referendums on each issue,
Offer the voters the opportunity,
To vote in an intelligent middle,
And you can follow your conscience and judgment,
Each time, and not have to follow,
Or vote for an obnoxiously rigid agenda
As happens if you use politicians.

As you see in the present two party system,
Nobody works together,
And the two political parties truly hate and despise each other,
And they do NOT offer anyone a chance to think on their own,
But you might be an intelligent middle thinker,
Who evaluate each key issue as you think fits the situation,
Regardless of party affiliation or origin.

So as an individual voter, are not imprisoned like the present politicians,
In voting for a rigid two party system with nobody in the intelligent middle.
But as we are now,
Caught in a rigid and extremist two party system,
Run by one sided and bigoted politicians,
Who make you choose an either/ or agenda.

But remember that nobody with an open or thinking mind,
Rigidly follows one agenda,
And shuts his or her mind to the other side,
That may have a good point now and then.

As nobody very intelligent blindly follows,
Any one party or system, but thinks each situation through
And votes according to the individual situation and issue.
As I have found when on many commissions and committees,
It is rare, if your opposition,
Does not have at least one good idea or proposal,
That needs to be accommodated or incorporated
In the total legislative picture.

But you can not do this
When you are imprisoned in the two party system,
And recognizing as valid only one party of politicians,
Who must follow a rigid agenda,
Or be penalized by their party of political creed bigots.

But what we need is to vote on the individual issues,
And think each issue through, regardless of party origin,
And what some bigoted political party orders you to do..

So fight for voting through national referendums,
Where you, as a voter, can decide on the issue,
And not be a captive with your mind imprisoned,
By voting through a single party of politicians,
Faithful to their party’s interests.

But should Instead be voting for the national good,
In national referendums, where you vote,
After evaluating the issue according to their national good,,
Even if they do not fit the politician’s yen for Special Interests..

So remember that referendums mean “freedom from politicians,”
Who would vote for their Special Interests and Super pac contributors,
But referendums give you freedom to vote your conscience and opinions,
On each and every important issue.

But don’t let it blow your mind, (as that may happen)
When you first experience voting yourself on a Key Issue,
And do feel enslaved and shut out, (as usual)
By the Special Interests and hyper- materialism of our Washington politicians,
And their accompanying (if corrupt, failing, and obnoxious) Two Party System.

But when you vote through politicians,
You shut out any thinking folks who want to vote in the middle,
Who are neither way extremists who want to follow a rigid agenda,
But are caught in the middle between two opposing sets of bigoted politicians,

And the only way the voting people are going to get any pick or choice on issues,
Is to use referendums and directly voting on the issues,
Where the voters can select some issues from both parties’
Because they are not voting in Congress through one party politicians,
Who do not consider anything broader,
Than their party’s selfish Special Interests.
And that is one reason referendums are badly needed,
As they give the average person a choice when voting on the issues.

But think how much easier referendums will be,
If we use modern technology,
You can vote on line,
Flashing your fingerprints for identification,
And not even leave home.

Or you can vote by telephone,
Wherever you may be,
Just punch the buttons,
And you have voted easily..

Or you can skype your vote,
And use your eye prints to identify you.
Or if you are old time soul,
You can even go the polls.

But consider how much easier it will be,
To vote in a national referendum
Through advanced and modernized technology.

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