National Referendums Now

Away with the horse and buggy politics


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Vote Your Conscience

Voters should be free to vote their consciences directly on major issues and not have
to be rigidly imprisoned in a two party system that imprisons the voters in rigid party divisions.
The only way for voters to express their consciences on different national political issues is to have them vote directly on really important national issues.

The two party system takes the choices away from the voting people and enchains and imprisons
important choices away from the voting people and puts all decisions into elitist black and white party system. This is not a nation listening to its people on national decisions, but imprisoning voters in politically stereotyped political parties that give the nation no real choice on important issues.

Are we going to give the people a direct vote on important national issues ? Which the people
should have if our nation is going to be a truly democratic society, But in national political parties, decisions are far removed from the voting people in elite, political parties far removed from the voters.

Very few intelligent voters can say they want to vote one hundred percent for one of two
choices on major issues. Sensible reasoning voters generally want to vote on an idea or
bill from each of both political parties. This means the people want to choose some of the good
bills of all political parties, And this is denied them by having to choose all bills from
one party. The people must vote on a large political agenda instead of being able to make individual choices beyond being imprisoned in one of two strict voting political parties.

Now the voters are imprisoned in a limited choice of opposing parties, where both party members often despise and hate the other. And so this has meant a gridlock that would not be if the voting people might vote their ballots directly on the most important national issues.

Shall we have freedom of conscience to pick the particular issues we may like, or will be
as voters be forced to go along passively with one victorious agenda ?

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